
Geschlecht Mann
Alter 65
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sternzeichen Steinbock

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I am a man with a fetish for Women in Prison. If there are any former female inmates with firsthand experience or someone with expertise on this subject that has any interest, please contact me. I want to know all about that world. Everything about women doing time is a huge turn on for me. I want to know what it feels like for you to be told what to do from the time you get up until they shut out the lights. Standing and being counted, presenting only your last name doc number. Being known as a number. Silently walking in line single file. Watched by guards 24 hours per day. The day to day life that only a woman who has lived it can understand.


Desires and Fantasies
I am a man with a fetish for Women in Prison. If there are any former female inmates with firsthand experience or someone with expertise on this subject that has any interest, please contact me. I want to know all about that world. Everything about women doing time is a huge turn on for me. I want to know what it feels like for you to be told what to do from the time you get up until they shut out the lights. Standing and being counted, presenting only your last name doc number. Being known as a number. Silently walking in line single file. Watched by guards 24 hours per day. The day to day life that only a woman who has lived it can understand.

Thanks bietet Dir…

Auf findest Du viele BDSM-Kontakte und Fetischkontakte in Boston. Auf findest Du auch ein großes BDSM und Fetisch-Forum, wo Du Dich über Deine Vorlieben austauschen kannst und Gleichgesinnte findest.
icon-wio badgirlover ist mal wieder online, schicke doch einen Gruß
  • 17.10.2017 18:57:43
  • Mann (65)
  • Boston
  • Single