

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 46
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 165cm
Gewicht 73kg
Figur normal
Augenfarbe braun
Haarlänge mittel
Sexualität hetero
Typ Europäer
Herkunft USA
Körperbehaarung leicht behaart
Sternzeichen Fische
Sprachen Deutsch

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Here to learn, make friends and (possibly) make a romantic connection.

Interested in movies, philosophy, art, writing, reading.

If you think we could be a match, or could have interesting conversations, feel free to send a message.

And, yes, I know that my screen-name is arguably misleading. It is a call back to another (fairly anodyne) point in my life.


. s. ***. others as we clarify. bietet Dir…

Auf findest Du viele BDSM-Kontakte und Fetischkontakte in Quincy. Auf findest Du auch ein großes BDSM und Fetisch-Forum, wo Du Dich über Deine Vorlieben austauschen kannst und Gleichgesinnte findest.
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 15.09.2024 2:08:41
  • Mann (46)
  • Quincy
  • Single
-wondering if there are any meet ups in/around Boston.
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 13.09.2024 2:10:59
  • Mann (46)
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-anyone noticing a spike in obvious AI generated profiles? Any suggestions for quick/effective Turing tests?
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 08.09.2024 18:38:28
  • Mann (46)
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-masochistic types would find much to enjoy clean commuting in metro Boston.
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 06.09.2024 2:47:33
  • Mann (46)
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general thoughts about the Fet Scavenger Hunt.

At the basic level, the objective of the game was to find sections of a picture. (If you remember the puzzle cards from old Topps or Panini trading cards, you get the basic idea.)

I *was* going to post the full image, but the moderators apparently Weiterlesen… do not want that to happen. (For those who are wondering, the picture was of a rather attractive, possibly AI-generated girl. Nothing too lewd. You have probably seen worse on the side of a bus.)

The purpose of the game was to encourage users to search around the app, particularly in areas that would typically be ignored.

One puzzle piece was located in the Code of Conduct. Various other pieces were findable in the settinga and filters that people often forget to adjust. (And, yes, I found a few things that needed changes, and a few others that I plan to adjust.)

The scavenger hunt also encouraged us to interact with each other, sharing hints in the forum. Moderators erased answers that were too obvious. But, I do not think that anybody was meaningfully penalized.

And, if a player was *really* stumped, one of the mods (PixieDust) would offer direct help through private message.

PixieDust deserves special mention here. I have moderated forums, and can attest to how challenging and time consuming it can be. Every hint, every message, every reply that PixieDust gave us was time from her day.

Yes, the purpose of the game was to encourage us to search and study the app. But, the moderators went out of their way to make it challenging without being needlessly frustrating.

Players scored points for finding sections of the picture. And, there was a free class awarded as a prize to somebody who found all of the picture.

Was it why I signed up here? No

But, the game was fun. Plenty of us played by choice. I cannot recall the last time I had *fun* on an app like this.

And, with that, back to the search that brought me here. (But, if there is another scavenger hunt, count me in.)
Gefällt mirMistressjen-7200
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 04.09.2024 19:03:35
  • Mann (46)
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-found the complete scavenger hunt image. I will post it, pending moderator approval.

Overall, the scavenger hunt was a run distraction. Difficult enough to require attention, but not so impossible that a casual player would just give up. Gonna post more about it in the next day or so.
Gefällt mirMistresshan-5263, Mistress-4916
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 01.09.2024 3:27:49
  • Mann (46)
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just found all of the icons in the scavenger hunt!
Gefällt mirMistressjen118, Mistressjen-2923
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 01.09.2024 2:34:30
  • Mann (46)
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-recently did some error analysis on messages I have been sending here and on some other apps.

Specifically, why do they fail?

When I first started here (specifically at Fet), I sent a few messages that were deliberately experimental in tone/content. And, one or two of those got me blocked. Weiterlesen… I get that, and would apologize to anyone who was offended in those cases.

But, in other (*more*) cases, I was blocked after sending anodyne greetings, often not trying to match, simply sending messages timo invite correspondence.

A few people (who know me in real time) have pointed out that my messages are simply too formal.

"Formal" as in "probably spam".

As one of them put it, he was half expecting a line about a "unique financial opportunity".

And .... Yeah, okay, fair enough.

My writing is formal. I have a degree in English.

More importantly, I have written and edited stuff professionally, for real ***. Like, for realisies, I have been paid (usually on the books) for my writing and editing skills.

Dammit, the formality that is killing me now was how I made ***.

Given that blocking someone does not seem to carry over to forums and status updates, there is a chance that some of the people who have blocked me might see this. They might even read it. (And, if any of the people I legitimately offended read this, I *am* sorry. My informal writing clearly needs work.)
Gefällt mirMistressjen-2923
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 29.08.2024 19:28:32
  • Mann (46)
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-kind of amused by the word filters here.

I posted a reply about structural integrity in the forum, and a word got redacted to be "reen******".

If it were a Star Wars thread, Luke would be told to "use the *****".

Real curious about what words are blocked here. (Just Weiterlesen… for the sake of amusement. This is not a complaint or start of a crusade.)
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 26.08.2024 18:59:44
  • Mann (46)
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-while playing the scavenger hunt game, I found out that my default settings were more restrictive than I had initially thought.

(If you sent me a message before August 26th, I might not have gotten it. Apologies.)
Gefällt mirMistress-1623
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 23.08.2024 18:51:56
  • Mann (46)
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-the icon game is *really* clever.

The clues obligate users to check *everywhere*, even on parts of their own profile that they might normally forget about.

This obligates is to scrutinize our own profiles, and maybe edit/update the information.

Passing icons along costs points, giving the Weiterlesen… "pass along" value.

And, the forum thread is a chance for interactions with fellow users.
Gefällt mirMistressjay-1179
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 22.08.2024 3:40:57
  • Mann (46)
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-silly, but likely true, bit of reflection. Why am I not a dom?

I am not interested in being a dom. This reflects other aspects of my life. Not a leader. There were times in my youth when I was a leader, and I was fucking miserable.

The best parts of my tenures in (relative) power Weiterlesen… were....the end. I was fine when it ended in disaster, because it was over. (Other people were just glad to see the back of me.)

I spent a number of years around politics, and never gave serious thought to running for office. I would have been content to be a back-room advisor.

Power, and the actual responsibility/stress that comes with it, not to my liking.

I want a competent leader. That could be a boss, an elected official, or a domme.

But, why?

(And, this is the silly, but earnest, part.).

80s media.

Leaders generally got clobbered. At the very least, they were targets .

The Emperor.

It is not just Star Wars.

Cobra Commander was usurped by a cloned Emperor, created by treacherous underlings. He only managed to survive by pointing out how Emperor Serpentor would eventually need someone to blame for inevitable failures.

Megatron was usurped by Starscream, before returning and assassinating Starscream.

It is not just the bad guys.

Ever seen the 1986 Transformers movie? Optimus Prime dead. Ultra Magnus spent much of the movie with a bullseye on him.

When the Borg attacked the Enterprise, the grabbed Captain Picard, not Mr. O'Brien.

Caesar in Planet of the Apes? Look what his hairy ass went through.

And, it is not just fictional characters.

One of my first memories is news about a failed assassination attempt on a sitting President.

How about history? Never mind Ape Caesar, what about historic Caesar? I remember news about coups deposed leaders. (I watched plenty of news as a kid.)

Like most people, I draw lessons from life and media. And, yeah, leadership is not for me.

So, when I look for a relationship, I am drawn to strong women.
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 20.08.2024 18:50:07
  • Mann (46)
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-hoping that the full icon picture is released after the game ends. (I am so unlikely to find all of the icons. But, I am curious about the full image.).
icon-wio dominionhub hat einen Status Update geschrieben
  • 19.08.2024 2:17:59
  • Mann (46)
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-seem to have found an icon. (Actually, this game is sort of fun.).
Gefällt mirMistressjen1553, Mistressjen-5678
icon-wio dominionhub hat seinen Profiltext aktualisiert
  • 18.08.2024 2:42:58
  • Mann (46)
  • Quincy
  • Single
Here to learn, make friends and (possibly) make a romantic connection.

Interested in movies, philosophy, art, writing, reading.

If you think we could be a match, or could have interesting conversations, feel free to send a message.

And, yes, I know that my screen-name is arguably misleading. It Weiterlesen… is a call back to another (fairly anodyne) point in my life.