
Geschlecht Mann
Alter 42
Beziehungsstatus kein Single
Größe 170cm
Gewicht 62kg
Figur normal
Augenfarbe blau
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge kurz
Bart kein Bart
Sexualität hetero
Typ Europäer
Intimbehaarung rasiert
Körperbehaarung leicht behaart
Sternzeichen Krebs

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach

  • Freunde


I don't really know why I'm here. I'm married to a fairly vanilla woman. I say fairly vanilla, in that I we have dabbled in play in the past, however she would have me believing my kinks made me perverted. Since getting married and starting a family there doesn't seem to be any us time.

About a year ago I started stealth submission. I admit, when compared to a femdom relationship with open communication, its considerably unfulfilling. However, I take what I can get. My wife has always lacked confidence, however she has started becoming more assertive as I have become more reserved.

So why am I here? I guess to be amongst like-minded people who can help me ensure I believe I am not perverted.

Meine Rollen bietet Dir…

Auf findest Du viele BDSM-Kontakte und Fetischkontakte in Brisbane. Auf findest Du auch ein großes BDSM und Fetisch-Forum, wo Du Dich über Deine Vorlieben austauschen kannst und Gleichgesinnte findest.
icon-wio puglit hat seinen Profiltext aktualisiert
  • Vor einiger Zeit.
  • Mann (42)
  • Brisbane
  • kein Single
I don't really know why I'm here. I'm married to a fairly vanilla woman. I say fairly vanilla, in that I we have dabbled in play in the past, however she would have me believing my kinks made me perverted. Since getting married and starting a family there doesn't seem to be any us time.

About a Weiterlesen… year ago I started stealth submission. I admit, when compared to a femdom relationship with open communication, its considerably unfulfilling. However, I take what I can get. My wife has always lacked confidence, however she has started becoming more assertive as I have become more reserved.

So why am I here? I guess to be amongst like-minded people who can help me ensure I believe I am not perverted.
icon-wio puglit ist beigetreten
  • Vor einiger Zeit.
  • Mann (42)
  • Brisbane
  • kein Single

Mitglieder aus der Region

  • MasterLFD


  • Anton12-85


  • Tiagostve
