For kinksters, heaven usually promises boredom. It all sounds far too 'nice' and cozy and tame. Things on the other end are far more enticing. But New Jersey's deviants need not wait until they meet their maker to delve into the fiery darkness. The Hellfire NJ BDSM dungeon gives them an unmissable opportunity to sample what the devil has in store for them.
Hellfire NJ features a well-equipped dungeon guaranteed to satisfy your unnatural - yet so natural - cravings. You can hire this for munch and play parties, private and group parties, and even photo and video shoots. Yes, you may well have seen this den of depravity featured in some of your nocturnal online viewing material! Reach out via the website for further details on hire.
The premises include a bedroom with a four-poster bondage bed, a lounge and bar area, and a smoking room.
Hellfire NJ holds Saturday night dungeon play parties, and unlike other such establishments, you do not have to be a member to attend these events. Indeed, they will not cost you anything. There are no fees or cover charges. The only condition is that you are currently a BDSM or munch group member. Alternatively, someone who is a member of one of these groups can refer you to Hellfire NJ - this seems eminently sensible; it ensures that you'll find only serious kinksters in the bowels of Hellfire NJ.
Hellfire NJ also holds other parties, and there can be charges for attending these special events. Previous fetish extravaganzas included New Year's Eve parties, summer barbecues, and kink balls.
Reassuringly, Hellfire NJ state that they only charge what's necessary to cover their costs for these special events. "We are not in this for the ***," they state emphatically - "This is our lifestyle." Yes, this is a labor of love.
The ladies behind this refreshingly accessible kink venue are Mistress Di and Mistress Dee. And judging from their photos on the Hellfire NJ website, these women mean absolute business. Legions of New Jersey kinksters are undoubtedly thankful for their presence.