
Mann/Frau (57/52) kein Single

Looking for live in pets

I dont play a role. I live like I know who I am. I am the dominant center of the world with which I interact.
I lead softly, even though I don't have need to. I care for those under my care. I take care of my world like a velvet skinned sledgehammer.
I have decided that seeing to the needs of many, tends to neglect my own, and it's time to balance, to create a situation that sees to both.
So I'm looking for women that can benefit from seeing my needs met. Sexy pets who may need a place to live and find peace in serving.
Women, with curves, thick on the bottom end, know their way around pleasing a man, and live to satisfy the boss. A very creative one. You give me naked and ***less, I'll give you peace, stability, and a life most dont know exists. I dont mind importing for the right energy. if you are a bi female pair or lesbian couple, you would be welcome provided one or both fit the criteria.
No need to dance around indecision....you know who you are and you feel the pull of this reality

Looking for live in pets

BDSM/Fetisch Familie36 bis 63 Jahre ● 515km um USA, Selma