All are welcome.
Starbuck now requires you buy something in order to stay. Just a cup of tea or coffee, anything they offer.
I've extended the hours. We'll socilaize until 9PM at Starbucks.
( we use to go to a dance after but the dance venue is closed )
You don't have to be new or nervous to attend.
A non-kinky event for kinky people.
Starbucks ( They tend to keep the place on the cool side. Maybe bring a jacket or sweater )
Friday , Nov. 1st 2024 · 6:00PM – 9:00 PM
111 Eagleview Blvd. Exton PA 19341
You don't have to be nervous or new to attend.
Three roses at my table.
Enter and look to the left. The large table and surround area is ours.
If you find the idea of meeting at a social (munch) a bit
unnerving, here's a gentle introduction:
Starbucks closes at 9PM so feel free to stay at the coffee if you have good conversation going on!
Often we then head over to Lione's Restaurant for live music.
Lione's is 116 Wallace Avenue, Downingtown, PA 19335
If you order food at a table be prepared to use a QR code on your phone.
You can order at a Kiosk at the counter and pay cach or use a credit card.
Local bands. There isn't always room for dancing but sometimes we dance between the tables.
It's my sleepy little town. Closes at 11PM